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Досуг молодежи: посещение кружков, спортивных секций, клубов по интересам. Переписка

Come out – выступать на публике / Catherine wanted to come out for improved rights for all women everywhere.

Come round – зайти в гости / It was just an excuse to come round because of what's happened.

Drop in – зайти, заглянуть / All I had to do was drop in and offer him a song.

Go out – бывать в обществе, встречаться / Let's go out tonight; there's a good film on at the local cinema.  Is Grace still going out with that red-haired boy?

Meet up – встречаться, собираться / I was so pleased to meet up with my old friends after all these years.

Take part in – принимать участие в /They wanted to take part in the concert.

Take up – начать интересоваться / Have you taken up any new hobbies since you moved here?

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